Week #17! Just a few more weeks away. Until then, keep working hard and doing your best!

Kirrti K Sivakumar
3 min readJul 27, 2021

I could not really think of a rhyme for seventeen. So, I just put in an honest title there. However, the gist it, that we are approaching the final few weeks of the internship and so, it does mean something. I cannot slack at all, or give up. Not that I am going to, but still, there is plenty of opportunities waiting and I still have other work. This is a very cautious period. But I am doing my best and did in fact actually perform to my best. You will understand.

I finally understood how to resolve the audio issues in my final two videos and it was right in my face the whole time!

Turns out, I had to reverse think a little. Instead of going around the bus and denoise cut sections of audio and then editing individual sections of audio, I had to do it in reverse. I had to denoise audio as one whole audio, and then edit that denoised audio in a software to cut out words, and then cut out individual sections, and then adjust volumes for individual sections accordingly, and even out empty spaces and timing, and the white noise were all gone, with consistent audio and the issues I had were all settled. That was a new thing I learnt. Think in reverse psychology and it would all help. Both the videos final drafts were done and approved. For now, the video works look complete. I have done 4 module videos out of the 10. Ms Melissa did 2, and Dylan did the remaining 4. It has been collaborative work that was very useful for me, as it taughtme simple and a little but intermediate Video editing skills, and I also gained knowledge about Adobe Premiere Pro. I definitely see the use of the software in the near future for sure.

Link checking is not as simple as it sounds. It is very careful work, but worth it.

The Tech company’s project has a portion called Professional Development courses and tasks, meant for certification for educators who are on board this project. Educators take on these online courses, learn various skills and ways to enhance their teaching and learning in their classrooms, physically and virtually. These courses also serve to certify educators for the number of hours spent, therefore profesionally developing themselves and renewing skills. Apparently in the United States and some other countries, it is necessary for educators to clock a certain numbe of hours of Professional Development every year, in order to be licensed and practising educators. So, therefore, as part of the project, Professional Development courses, and certification tasks exist. My task pertaing to this, Using a spreadsheet already curated, I had to test each task and course link and also simultaneously access the corresponding course tasks from my account on the tech project website, and see if the curated links and the task links I access from my account were matching and if they weren’t, I had to change the links in the curated spreadsheet to the correct ones. Once the whole list of link checking was done, I had to compile all errors spotted in the Professional Development tasks, into a PowerPoint, so that the client and website management team can fix the errors and improve the project further in this aspect. The errors I spotted included spelling errors, double titles, mistitled course task and even filtering errors. The website links were slow to load, but I did manage to check the links slowly and accurately, as the correct links have to be put in the spreadsheet. One cannot be careless in this check aspect, so I was being cautious. Same applied to compiling the errors and making sure I did not miss any errors. it was a detail oreinted work, but worth doing and definitely learning about the Professional Development a bit better at a glance. Since while testing the links, I look through each of the course and the tasks and so I got a glance as to what educators were leanring and doing as tasks to be certified. Very interesting to see things like discussion posts on Student feedback, Global citizen experience, creative collaboration in classes and much more.

